

Wilson has somehow learned that this year Angel Delight* turns 50 years old — so naturally he has organised an Angel Delight party.

Once he had tasted it, he announced that Angel Delight is definitely the way forward, Dessert-wise, and he's resolved to write to Premier Foods to compliment them on this outstanding product. 

And to suggest they make an Ant Flavour version.

The party passed off smoothly, apart from an unfortunate incident when Tiny Toy accidentally(?) fell into the bowl. He was rescued safely, though the level in the dish had fallen a few millimeters by the  time he emerged from the sticky pudding...

Once the bowl was licked clean, W remarked that the Bees (who were unable to attend due to the search for Uncle Z) are acting like Thelma and Louise. 

I think he means Cagney and Lacey...

* Angel Delight has been voted the nation's favourite childhood dish — unfortunately I don't think you can buy it outside the UK. ☹️

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