

The day of the party is here at last! There was a little rain overnight, but the only casualty was two boxes of Cheesy Wotsits which got a bit damp.

Everyone has been eating, drinking and dancing to Pink’s Get the Party StartedAntony is in charge of music, on the iPad, but this is the only song he's played so far. He's played it about 50 times altogether — I think he really likes it!

As dusk fell, Wilson lit the lanterns then sang the Bob Dylan song he's learnt specially for the party, Delia. It's a not-altogether-appropriate song about a boy who shot his girlfriend dead one Christmas Eve, but he plays it very well.

Polly- and Billy-B are sitting together, wearing matching fascinators. Well, deely-boppers, actually — it's very difficult to get hold of fascinators in such small sizes, apparently. 


The party is GO!

The final phase of preparation is in progress as Wilson hangs lanterns all around the garden. 

As soon as that's done, he and Antony (the party's DJ) will test the sound system. W says it will be 'colossally loud because Antony has turned the knob up to eleven!'

I've have no idea what music bees really like, but W says Antony has downloaded a 'really kicking' playlist onto the iPad.

I think we'd better invite all the neighbours round to the party, to forestall any complaints about the noise. 


Party preparations...

Wilson is in the garden preparing for the party on Saturday.

The Florist has sent round what they were able to supply — a pot each of lavender and snowdrops, plus several paper sunflowers — and W has borrowed a branch of Flowering Cherry from our neighbours. I'm not altogether certain whether they know they've lent it yet. 

He has cunningly sprayed the sunflowers with some Brut aftershave one of his stepfathers left behind when he moved out — he assures me this will 'increase their realisticness by at least 400 percent!'


Here are your invitations to the party!

After learning of the shortfall in Wilson's flowers order, one of his friends, Lyn, has been in touch with a brilliant suggestion: Cherry Blossom! I'm certain the bees will love that. 

The people next door have a flowering cherry tree in their garden, so I've warned W not to get any ideas about pinching any of theirs…

Anyway, here at last are your invitations to the Engagement Party! Due to a design oversight they don't actually say where the party is being held, so here is the address: 


A tiny hitch at the florists

The Florist has just called Wilson to say there's a bit of a hitch with his order.

I knew there as a problem when I heard W's raised voice on the phone saying 'I've never dealt with such a tin-pot, incompetent, unprofessional, second-rate, inefficient…' 

He slammed the phone down and told me that the florist can't supply some of the flowers he'd requested. Well, most of them, actually. 

'They say they can't get any fennel, borage, buttercup, aster, hollyhocks, geranium, calendula, sweet alyssum, poppy, zinnia, cleome or heliotrope!' he stormed. 'They say they're "out of season" or some such nonsense! Not only that, they say that most of them are actually "weeds!" Weeds! I ask you!'

I asked him what they could supply. He glanced at his notepad and said, 'They have deigned to offer me snowdrops, dried lavender and some paper sunflowers. They told me I might get some sage and fennel in Tesco. In the cookery aisle.'

Given that there are now only four days until the party, I suggested that he call the florist back, apologise for shouting at them and accept the flowers they can supply.

Which he has now done. Grudgingly.


A big order for the Florist shop in the village...

Wilson has just emailed his order through to the florist in the village. He's told them that these flowers are for an engagement party and there will be a much bigger order for the wedding if they make a good job of these.



Wilson has spent all day today doing what he describes as 'brainstorming about wedding presents.' 

To me it looks awfully like dozing in the sun. 

He'd better get a move on — the party is in only six days!

The sTone Brothers are still lobbying to have the handles un-glued from their heads but Wilson demurs, saying they make it much easier to carry them around.