
Hommage aux Charlie Watts

In the 60s and 70s the caves were often used for rock concerts by iconic acts such as The Who, The Stones, Jimi Hendrix and Led Zep. Rock gigs are no longer allowed there, but to commemorate the caves' recent history there is still a guitar and drum kit on what once served as the stage. 
One of Wilson's all-time heros is Charlie Watts… so guess who couldn't resist having a go?

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The tour begins...

At first Wilson stayed close to my side, but after a little while I had to keep warning him not to wander off on his own. 
The tour guide kept cautioning us that if anyone got left behind in the 22 miles of unlit caves they might never find their way back to the surface…

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Добро пожаловать к нашим новым читателям от России!



Wilson grew apprehensive when he learned that most of the caves are unlit, but was excited to find that he would have his own paraffin-powered hurricane lamp, spending several minutes choosing the 'best' one. 
I hope he doesn't singe his fur! I'm now certain we did the right thing by leaving Antony and his Tiny Toy outside…


Descending to the depths...

Before entering the cave complex we had discussed whether to bring Antony and his tiny toy with us. W agreed that it was probably a bit scary for them, so they're sitting in the car outside. With the radio on for company. Obviously.
Here you can see Wilson making his way down from the Ticket Office down to the tunnel entrance. He assumed that this featureless concrete corridor was in fact part of the tunnels, admiring the beautiful symmetry of the walls and the general creepyness of it. 

Fellow tunnel enthusiasts might like to recall Wilson's visit to the famous Tar Tunnel in Ironbridge last year:


Hello Germany!

Wilson says 'hello' to all his blog readers in Germany! 

He also says, 'Gefallen, um Sie zu treffen!' which I'm really hoping isn't rude...

A treat for Wilson

I am very proud of Wilson for finishing his book so, knowing how he loves caves, I'm taking him to Chiselhurst Caves in Kent as a treat. 
Here is a picture of him at the entrance – he is very excited! 
For myself, I'm just hoping that it's warmer in the caves than it is out here...


Free Gift!

Honestly, I never thought I'd see this day, but Wilson's book is FINISHED! 
He's uploaded it to ISSUU, and you can read it online or download your own copy right here:

We'd both love to know what you think of it! 


Wilson is very brave...

Last night's Dr Who was a little more scary than Wilson had anticipated. 
Antony and his little toy couldn't take it, hiding their faces under a cushion, while Wilson watched bravely from behind the sofa.