
I don't like the sound of the details...

Wilson's plan is to put adverts on the local radio stations and newspapers, offering to deliver "the perfect cup of coffee. Any time. Day or night." He says loads of people on Twitter had been asking for such a service, and who better to provide it than him?
There was a period of silence, which I broke by asking who would be delivering the coffees.
'Me, of course!' he exclaimed, 'I'll go to the customer's house or office in the car, or "coffeemobile" as it will be called, then I hop out, deliver the coffee and collect the money!'
'We both know you're too young to drive, so… ?' 
'Well, you'll do the driving, obviously! You'll be the driver, while I will make the coffee and work the SatNav!'
I thought this over for a few microseconds, then asked, 'So at any time, day or night, I might have to jump into the car and drive you to a customer's house?'
'No, no, you jump into the coffeemobile!' he interrupted.
'Whatever,' I continued, 'it's the any time day or night part that's worrying me.'
'I haven't finished designing the logo for the cups - that's what's worrying me!' he replied.


Wilson's plan is revealed!

This morning, Wilson invited me into the kitchen for a cup of coffee… and to reveal his new business plan. 
On the counter was the largest coffee machine I've ever seen outside of a restaurant, and the worktops were all covered with stacks of paper cups. 
Wilson proudly handed me a paper cup containing what he described as a 'Wilson Special NY Triple Macchiato.' 
I sat down to drink my coffee while W explained how this would make us 'Richer than Richard Branson, the 19th Richest Person in the UK!'


Wilson still behaving mysteriously

With Xmas and the New Year celebrations out of the way, life is returning to normal. For Wilson, this appears to mean spending a lot of time in the kitchen with his mysterious cardboard boxes, while I am forbidden to enter. 
He's told me that 'All will be revealed tomorrow… or the next day.' 
It's difficult not to fear the worst…


Happy New Year!

Wilson has revealed his New Year's Resolutions 2013, posting them on the fridge for all to see. There are fewer than last year, as he thinks they will be easier to observe. I guess number six is mainly down to me, anyway.
I've started using the new monthly Journals that W gave me for Xmas, and also trying to write more neatly. You can see for yourself when I put January on-line next month!


What with the run-up to Xmas, December has been a very busy month for Wilson Vermilingua OBE!
I've just uploaded the twelfth monthly volume of Ant Wars II: DECEMBER 2012 so you can catch up on anything you've missed.
Please tell all your friends, as it is Wilson's stated ambition for his life story to be, as he puts it, "As Popular as Xmas Pudding with Ants!". 

You can download it or read it online at:


Preparing for a late night

As I write this, Wilson is sitting in tumble dryer drawing up his New Year's Resolutions. He's giving each one careful consideration in order to increase his hit rate for 2013.
The other reason he's still in bed is that I promised him he can stay up until midnight tonight to see in the New Year with a toast of Ant Gin, so he's resting in preparation for a late night.
MOON, the movie that caused us so much trouble, was on BBC2 last night. We both knew it was one, but neither of us mentioned it! 
Relief all round!


New Year Resolutions time again

With 2013 fast approaching, Wilson has been checking on his last year's New Years Resolutions, to see how well he did. 
He's awarded himself three out of eight… which is much better than I've ever managed!